Healthy Living

“The greatest wealth is health.”

Healthy Living

Vibrant, vital, happy and healthy – this is the ideal state of life that virtually everyone wants to achieve, regardless of age. It’s doable, but the secret isn’t a cosmetic quick-fix. Rather, the best way to stay physically strong, healthy and full of optimism with each passing year is a daily investment in exercise that works with your body’s biological changes.

Food can make you healthier too-- if you make good choices. It can seem hard to make healthy food choices, particularly if you are on a budget and short on time. But there are some simple steps you can take to help you and your family eat healthier . . . Shop Smart and Eat Smart!!

Hemp / CBD Products
  • C B D / H E M PLove and Herbs offers luxurious botanical hempcare products through the powerful combination of nature and revolutionary technology. A range of body and skin hempcare products using only the world's finest botanicals, natural, food grade, cold pressed, quality, organic, ethically sourced ingredients.
  • Herbal TeasExperience what the Chinese have known for hundreds of years: the healing and soothing effects of herbal teas.
  • Natural DiureticsHerbs that increase the flow of urine and removal of fluids from the body.
  • Herb Library Harness the power of natural herbs and herbal supplements. Please browse our directory of natural herbs and herbal supplements.
  • Recipe of the WeekOur Weekly Recipe - Even the non-cook will love them.

Daily Tips on Healthy Living

1. Eat a handful of walnuts before bed -- a natural sleep-inducer.
2. Don't ignore sudden changes in mental status.
3. Don't think you are too old to take up something new!
4. Engage in active learning.
5. Maintain a positive attitude and a sense of control over your life.
InfoStarBase Portal of Information on Living Green and Healthy Living