Red Raspberry Leaf
This fact sheet provides basic information about Red Raspberry Leaf. Raspberry bushes are native to North America but are cultivated in other countries including Canada. Although it is best known for its delicious red berries, raspberry leaves have a number of medical applications.The leaves of red raspberry were used for their astringent properties to treat diarrhea in the 19th century. A strong tea of raspberry leaves was used in painful or profuse menstruation and to regulate labor pains in childbirth. The Eclectics used a decoction of the leaves to suppress nausea and vomiting. A gargle of raspberry leaf infusion has been used for sore throats and mouths and to wash wounds and ulcers.
Common Names
Red RaspberryLatin Names
Rubus idaeusWhat It Is Used For
- Raspberry leaves may be helpful for diarrhea or as a mouthwash because of their astringent action. They have been used historically in painful or profuse menstruation and to regulate labor pains in childbirth, but there is little evidence to support this use.
How It Is Used
- As a tea use 2-3 tsp of dried or chopped leaves in 5 -8oz of boiling water for 5 min, discarding solid particles. Take as needed.
- Topically use tea on skin.
- Orally as a mouth wash use tea dosage.
What the Science Says
- The tannin components of the leaves have a definite astringent action, which may be helpful in diarrhea or as a mouthwash; however, there is little pharmacologic evidence at present to support the use of raspberry leaf tea in pregnancy, menstruation, or childbirth. Blackberry ( R. strigosus ) leaves, which have similar chemistry to raspberry leaves, have been found to have a slight hypoglycemic activity in rabbit models; however, the chemistry responsible for this effect was not elucidated.
Side Effects and Cautions
- None well documented.
- Drugs.Com Web site. Accessed on February 7, 2009.
- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Accessed on February 7, 2009.